project overview

The site was launched at the end of 2019 and, due in some part to the new digital landscape COVID forced schools into, the site had to suddenly deliver well beyond its original design purpose. It is a testament to how robustly this first site was designed and built that it not only coped but made the school organic traffic fly. The streaming success and enormous traffic volumes led the school to a very lucrative deal with Super Sport. 

By early 2023 the school was running into issues of their site being strained by the massive traffic volumes and aggressive user shift to mobile usage. They once again approached VCS to redesign and rebrand their school site to match their new focus. 

A complete change of format, style and navigational approach was needed to accommodate a planned application, new streaming processes, a shift of focus to information passing and ease of access. Today their site ranks as one of the top performing school websites in the country in terms of search and discoverability; even outperforming those schools paying for PPC advertising. 

services provided

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